Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Could I Make a Face Lift Compensation Claim?

Although there are potential risks associated with any cosmetic procedure, face lift surgery is often considered a relatively risk free treatment due to the large number of people who choose to undertake the surgery each year. As an increasing number of people seek to alter their appearance, more and more cosmetic surgery patients are expecting perfect results from their medical team. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and there are a significant number of people each year who suffer with excessive pain and injuries as a result of their procedure.

Those who have chosen to have a face lift and feel their results have been unsatisfactory may be in a position to seek compensation. You can claim face lift compensation for injuries, whether you have been the victim of medical negligence or simply been misled about the results of your procedure. If you feel that you have been subjected to injuries unjustly and you think you might be entitled to compensation then you should contact professional cosmetic surgery solicitors and pursue a financial settlement.

Do I Have a Face Lift Compensation Claim?

If you have experienced a level of care from your medical team that falls below that expected of a compensation medical professional, either during or after your procedure, then it is highly likely you will be able to claim compensation. This is the case when if you have been misled about the results of your treatment, or you have not been properly briefed about the potential risks involved. It is also possible that you will be entitled to compensation if your medical team have failed to provide the results you desired due to medical negligence. This is possible if they do not have the correct training or have simply failed to provide the level of care expected from them.

Risks of Face Lift Surgery

Although a simple procedure, there are many risks involved in having face lift surgery and this can cause a number of serious injuries to your face and even internally. Like many cosmetic surgery procedures, face lift surgery should be preceded by a consultation during which these risks will be explained. If this was not the case for you and you are now the victim of avoidable injuries then it is likely you will be able to claim compensation. You will also be able to claim if you suffer severe complications as a result of a breach of care and attention if you have had the risks explained to you but you feel they were not properly managed by your team.

The main risks that face those undertaking face lift surgery are facial pain, infection during and after treatment, and unnecessary scarring, which can be a result of infection or bad practice during the procedure. Facial scarring also carries the risk of causing psychological suffering to those left to live with their physical facial injuries. Other general risks associated with surgery include blood clots and facial nerves, both of which can have severe long term effects on facial function.