Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Breast Uplift Compensation Claims

Breast uplift surgery can offer many women an opportunity to reclaim their body confidence following the effects that factors such as childbirth, age and significant weight loss can have on their bodies. Breast uplift surgery can increase a woman’s self-confidence and self-esteem as well as enabling them to feel more feminine and attractive.

Risks Of Breast Uplift Surgery
As with all invasive surgery there are considerable risks involved with breast uplift surgery. These risks may include infection, scarring or thrombosis. There is also the risk of long term negative effects due to surgical malpractice including asymmetric breasts or nipples and loss of feeling in the breasts or nipples. If you have undergone a breast uplift surgical procedure and your surgeon was negligent in their treatment, you may be able to make a compensation claim which will recompense you for any pain, suffering or inconvenience you have experienced, as well as covering the costs of any additional medical treatment, rehabilitation, counselling and loss of earnings.

Can I Make A Breast Uplift Compensation Claim?
Your surgeon has a legal obligation to inform you of potential issues and complications that could occur prior to the surgery, and you have to be confident that you are giving fully informed consent. If this does not happen and you then experience problems after the surgery you may have a case. Additionally issues such as extensive scarring, infections and thrombosis amongst other complications can cause immense physical pain and inconvenience as well as psychological stress and upset, all of which can significantly affect day to day life. These consequences do constitute personal injury and providing you have the evidence needed to prove this in court you will have a strong case for compensation with the help of cosmetic surgery solicitors.

How Do I Make A Claim?
If you wish to make a breast uplift compensation claim following a personal injury caused by surgical negligence it is advisory to consult the advice of a specialist personal injury lawyer. Although some personal injury cases can be relatively straightforward and handled by the victim alone, when surgical or medical malpractice is involved there can be complex intricacies involved in the case which a personal injury lawyer can help you to navigate. They will also be able to give you access to all other professional advice you may need, such as an independent medical professional who can review your case and give you the evidence you need to take to court. Your chosen legal representative will likely accept your case on a no win, no fee basis if they believe your case is likely to win in court, so you do not have the additional worry of substantial legal fees. In most cases they will also offer you a cash advance of up to £1,500 when they accept your case. You will be given full control over when this is paid and how much is paid up to the cap. This can be a lifeline for many victims, allowing them to secure the financial security they need whilst fighting for the compensation they deserve.