Tuesday 18 March 2014

Most Common Pool Accidents & NBSP

There is almost nothing better then a beautiful day by the pool. Something about the sun and water together just makes for a good time. Whether you have kids, pets, or live alone, owning a pool is a big responsibility. Aside from having to maintain the pool by keeping it clean with chlorine, chemicals, and debris you also need to make sure that you and everyone else is safe in and around the pool. You may not realize it but pool related accidents make up a large number of accidental deaths in the world today. It is very important that you and your loved ones understand how to be safe and prevent any accidents from happening now and in the future. In this article I am going to be going over a few of the most common pool accidents, so that you can insure that none of these things ever happen to you.


Drowning is the most serious and common pool related accident. Whether it is from someone slipping or in the pool that doesn’t know how to swim, or a young child unattended that scampers off and falls in the pool, drowning is a serious problem today. It is actually the number one accidental death cause for children ages 1-4 years old. Another scary statistic is that each day in the United States alone 9 people drown on average. It is important to never leave kids unattended in a pool or bathtub. Even walking away for a few minutes could be tragic. Before you or your kids swim make sure they have the proper flotation devices so that drowning is not even an option for them.


Pool areas can be dangerous due to the amount of people getting in and out soaking wet. Not only is there water in the pool, but there is water all around the pool as well which can be hazardous to others around. There have been thousands of cases in which a public establishment is sued because there pool deck was not safe. It may not have been slip resistant material or the pool deck area may not drain properly which can create mini puddles of water around it. It is also important to remember to never run and mess around the outside of the pool. If your running and you slip and hit your head on something you may be looking a trip to the hospital or even worse. If you do ever happen to slip and get hurt in a public area then you may want to contact a lawyer if you feel as if the area was not safe.


Diving, while fun can be very dangerous. First of all, if you have an above ground pool, you should not be diving at all as none of them are considered deep enough to dive into. A staggering 57 percent of diving accidents happen in water that is 4 feet deep or less. You should not be diving into any pool that is not at least 8 feet deep, and even then diving into a pool can still be dangerous if you are not practicing the proper techniques. I suggest sticking to the regular old relax and float around the pool instead of taking the risk of diving and injuring your neck or worse.

When it comes down to it the pool can be a great time for you and the family to enjoy on a nice sunny day. Just remember that pool safety is very important and shouldn't be taken lightly. Your pool area should be fenced at all times to make sure no kids or animals can access the pool while you are not around. If you make sure you and your kids are safe at all times and always have an eye on the pool when anyone is in it then you should have no problem avoiding any pool related injuries.
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Colin Quinn is a creative writer and internet marketing consultant for Heil-Law.com in Orlando, Florida. Colin is active in his community and volunteers regularly.